24 September 2011

Birthday Time

Things I've learned in 48 years, in absolutely no particular order ....

1) Breast cancer isn't always fatal, no matter how advanced it is and what stage it's in.

2) Children cannot wait, especially for a hug.

3) There really are pictures in the clouds.

4) Walls can come down. A big one did, in Berlin.

5) Vote. Even if you can't vote FOR someone or something, you can always vote AGAINST someone or something.

6) Teenagers need their space, but they also need your presence.

7) NASA is awesome but it doesn't know everything. Pathfinder proved that.

8) A computer full of recipes is no substitute for a printout, or even better, a card handwritten by your great-grandmother.

9) Sometimes "going green" isn't, in fact, any greener, and may actually harm the environment more. Flourescent lightbulb replacements with their dangerous mercury content and their seizure-producing side effects are an example of this.

10) There's a reason that "god" and "dog" contain the same letters.

11) Sometimes "good enough" really IS good enough.

12) Ask yourself who you are keeping house for -- Yourself? The neighbors? A fantasy interview with a home-arts magazine?

13) Bantam eggs are still the best.

14) There is no substitute, anywhere, for hot cocoa and a dog on your lap.

15) Smile. It may not do anything important, but it will make people wonder what you're up to.

16) Cry. You burp after you drink a Co'cola, don't you? Crying is the same thing, a tension-release.

17) You don't need a man. Or a woman. But if you have one, appreciate him.

18) Why are you saving the good china and the nice stemware? The most important guests you will every have are your family.

19) Holidays should never be stressful. Stop buying into the hype.

20) There is no substitute for the gift of love, freely given, even if it's only expressed quietly.

21) Grow something. Whether you live in a high-rise or on a farm, grow SOMETHING green.

22) Prioritise. Yes, the floor may need mopped. But playing with a child is more fun. The floor will be there tomorrow. The child may grow up over night.

23) If you ever find someone to be "irreplaceable", replace him or her immediately.

24) Neatness counts. Except with kids and dogs.

25) Fresh eggs SINK. Spoiled eggs FLOAT.

26) Have a plan. Then throw it out if it doesn't work.

27) Try. The worst that happens is that you fail, so you can start over.

28) The internet is a good friend but a poor master. Get your butt up off the chair and go outside.

29) Sudsy water or vinegar and water will clean things better than pricey cleansers.

30) Breakfast is a state of mind, not a sit-down meal. But don't skip it.

31) Daffydillies and roses always bloom. No matter how harsh the winter may have been.

32) Kids need time to -- BE KIDS.

33) Related to that, if your kid is in sports or any other club, remember, it's for the KID, not for you to compete with the other parents.

34) If you can dream it, you can become it, but you may have to work your ass off to make it happen.

35) Children never grow up. You will always need your father or mother, and your child will always need you.

36) Death is a doorway, and it isn't final. But you can still grieve and you will still miss people who are gone.

37) If it sticks and should not, WD40. If it does not stick and should, Duct Tape.

39) Adventurous sex is fun. Unplanned pregancy is not. Be careful.

40) If two sources of information give mutually exclusive results, go with your gut.

41) You can't fix stupid. You flat out can't.

42) Just once, go to the mountains. Just once, go to the ocean.

43) Good chocolate is usually worth it.

44) Look at the stars.

45) Good literature endures. Popular literature doesn't, but it can be fun while it lasts.

46) Pay yourself first. Even if you only clean out your pockets into a fruit jar every week, do it. Eventually, you'll have a little savings.

47) There really IS a sucker born every minute (even though P.T. Barnum never actually said this) Don't believe me? Watch TV for an hour.

48) Life is never too short, nor is it too long. It' s always just right. But what you DO with your life makes that difference.

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