29 June 2012

Starships and Sweethearts!

Special.  I just found out that Smashwords counts basically every "page look" as an UNPAID download.... And that it's necessary to TURN OFF the adult filter to find To Sweep The Stars.  Why?  Who knows;  possibly the few cusswords or maybe the kissing.  Go figure.

My advice?  Just go to Amazon.... Easier to buy there anyway, it appears.

21 June 2012

To Sweep the Stars

My current novel is now available!
To Sweep The Stars
A shuttle full of people disappeared without a trace.  Among those missing was the husband of Lt. Ea Cummings, Fleet Security Specialist.  Unlike everyone else, Ea wasn't prepared to shrug her shoulders and go on about her business.  She was determined to find her husband and get him back.  But time was running out....

Yes.  It's up.   It's available for purchase at
Smashwords and at Amazon/Kindle.

The amazing cover art was provided by MerianMoriarty, and she also provided the editing.

The process for getting an e-Novel ready is.... Interesting.  In some ways, it's the same as a "legacy" or paper-book, in that it still requires writing, editing, submission to an agent, selection of cover art, re-editing, and so on.

The biggest difference is that you don't check "galley proofs" with an e-Novel; you check a file... and the second biggest difference is, it takes less than 48 hours from finished work to publication.

It's been a fascinating experience, and overall I think a better one.  Chances are good that I'll stick to e-Publishing from here out.

Here's hoping you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!